PUBLIC ACCESS: 0.0.2 Release Update

Hello there once again!

I know that it's been a few months, and during that time there wasn't really any posts detailing what's going on with the update and whatnot. I deeply apologize for any radio silence that had occurred during that time frame. I've been really busy with a lot of things including both my normal job and National Guard, development of the game, and personal/family stuff coming up soon. But despite all that... I was able to push through and release the next entry into the Remake! 

As for the update itself... you can now explore ALL of Episode 2 AND Episode 3! You will meet a lot of familiar characters, as well as introduced to a couple brand new ones!

    • 2 Full Episodes (Episode 2 and 3 fully playable after playing Episode 1)
    • 834 Renders!
    • 6,276 Lines of Code!
    • Some grammatical errors have been fixed
    • There are some dialogue repetitiveness in Episode 3.
    • There may and likely will be some grammatical errors for the new release.
    • There may still be some grammatical errors from the previous release.


0.0.2 (MEGA)
7 days ago
0.0.2 (MEGA)
7 days ago
0.0.2 (MEGA)
7 days ago

Get Fall of the Angels


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Ngl, I was not aware you were part of the NG! That is a *very* respectable occupation you've been given! I'm glad to know you're defending America as well as doing many other great deeds, both big and small! :D


Lol, thanks man. Means a lot to me


Wait Your a NG? Sorry it just when i went thru Basic And Advanced

training Back in 82, there was Only like 15 NG & Reserve (each) the Rest were all Active Service. It was Both a Good time and a Pain in my Back Side.
do take Care and try to Have fun Doing the Guard thing.


Yeah, I'm in the NG lol. Was Active Duty for 8 years before switching over to NG for another 3 years. May or may not continue, just all depends

Well Do not go for the Special Duty's If the Alphabets come calling, they'll Work you to the Bone then Want to Work you more, then Not Pay you what was agreed on By the Contract. tho they do to Great Repair Work and Rehab is great till you get Old and your Body starts to Say " what were doing this again Come on were to old for this"!!! then you start Slowing down and everything starts getting Hard to do.