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Hey is the game dead? Not for prolog i could not care less im talking about the actual game the real main game....just finished it...chapter 4 is next...but last update was well a year ego so if games dead please say so that way i can move on....i hate the ending in chaper 3 if there is no 4 then well i really hate it mc got tottally screwed in the end...lost his life...became a puppet and lost the girls bad ending bro

No the game isn't dead- check the development log- the current announcement  will explain everything 


yeah i heard your re-making the game but starting with prolog so i probably wont play again for a few years till chapter 4 comes of luck and see you in a few years...if i still remember the game


Spent about a week playing legacy and got to the point of Sora scene and felt like that was the last straw came back to read the comments here and found out I was playing legacy. I gave the remake a try and was stuck wondering at different points who are you and are you going to die because I don't remember you. Overall, I liked the new look for all the characters, and I can tell you used your experience in writing to do a better story although legacy had a little charm. The thing that was rubbing me the wrong way with it was forced relationships and choices not effecting much at least at the point I decide I didn't like it. I'm not sure how much the remake will follow along the legacy but a lot of times it was say something or not and get the same result (like with Rosalyn chest scene. nothing wrong with it just no difference with what choice you make), maybe I don't feel like screwing a zombie but want to screw a vampire, while light and dark was hinted at it would change the story it didn't at the point I got to and the points those decisions appeared it was, be an asshole for the sake of being an asshole. I didn't like Fuyumi because how aggressive she was but like Sora but nope story demands I screw both of them without a choice to do none. I like the game for the most part it had humorous parts and while it was a shotgun of tastes for characters, they were distinct enough to be likable.

Hope you recover from your current stress, and i am excited to see the further development of the game.

I wish you good luck with the development and hope to hear you getting better

Hy dev, what are tags of the game?

is this an harem or one kinda girl story?


I have to admit that all of this boyfriends mentioned in the prologues puts me off a little...

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I absolutely love the game I don't particularly like the prologues tho (that isn't to say they aren't very good and enjoyable) but I was very excited to see an update thinking it would be a continuation of the story I so desperately want and need hopefully there is a future updates concerning the main non prologue I can say it has been one of the most enjoyable games I have ever played on itch keep up the great work and for all that is unholy I hope you can hurry because I know it takes quite a bit to make games like these especially if you have your own way of how you want it to go I'm just hoping it isn't like one of these games on edge that takes a few years to finally be done still definitely going to play it when it comes out regardless the game has me really emotionally involved in it and it would be like not saying your own love to one for years or and you the Creator like not saying your own child (has this game would be in some way considered your own baby)

please no unnecessary scenes


will there be a continuation of the story?


ah damn man,evermore,i love that game but too bad the game got stopped

Hey can you add more download options? because mega is limited


So far I'm liking the remake. Especially since we see Hannah Sam Theo more. But are there going to be any changes in the tags? Like for instance NTR Coke holding not really my cup of tea?


Don't know how i feel about the remake so far you said you wasn't changing much but it feels like a whole new game

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Soooo yea witch one should I download because I'm confused... Should I download the one that was released 2 days ago (0.0.2) or the one of last year (0.3.4) so which one is it? 

Personally, I would say both, lol. If you want to know all of what was established in the old story before the Remake, then download 0.3.4. If you want to just see what the story is shaping out now with a lot of the old story still there, then 0.0.2

Thanks I appreciate it alot 

Yes I've been waiting for this

Im confused.

So it says 0.0.1 (and 2) are a remake, nut from what i can tell it seems to just be a series of stories from before the start of the original game?

Also confused with these stories ending with "this is the end of the content so far" (or somrthing like that). Are each of these 8 stories going to be expanded?

Is the plan that once you finish these, you are going to remake the main game content? Are new characters, thst appear in these stories, possibly going to be retroactively edited into the main game?

Sorry for so many questions but I just dont understand what is happening. Im loving it of course, but still very confused. I just started this now (didn't get the 0.0.1 originally), and after reading the 0.0.2 changelog, I kind of assumed when it said "chapters 2 and 3 now fully done!" That it meant the chapters 2 and 3 of the main story were fully remade.


And lastly, is there any work being done to continue the main story or is everything going into these precursor short story like episodes?

main story will continue after the 8th epsiode of the remake is done, and i think 13th plans to remake the current 0.3.4 after the completion of the new episodes aswell.

Is this purely an aesthetic remake, or are you changing the story? 

There are a couple of changes so far in the Prologues. If anything, nearly all the Prologue Episodes will have some changes or additions to the story because they were never really there in the Legacy Version/Old Story. Once development of Chapter I begins, there won't bebas many changes, and the amount of changes will most likely decrease as the main goal is to keep a lot of the Old Story intact, but slightly tweaked based on a lot of feedback... if any of that makes sense.

Cool ... maybe I'll get used to things after awhile. Jade was my fav in the original, and when New Jade showed up in 0.1 I just kept thinking ... "no you're not" and "What did you do  with the real Jade"

Funny enough... I actually had an idea with New Jade's look being told in her Epilogue... who knows... maybe she herself isn't a fan of it... maybe Sora told her to try it out, lol.

We'll see. But I'm keeping a copy of the old version - if only so I can visit proper Jade. 

(3 edits)

So question, regarding the new EP's after you finish the first episode are you suppose to like go right into the new one like should it automatically switch from 1 to 2?

Edit: Liking the new designs and the new characters, can't wait to see more

I've just stumbled across this, and after reading a handful of comments, I was wondering if you'd recommend playing the Legacy version before the Remake, or if it doesn't really matter?

hmm, i think playing the remake version might be best i think? not entirely sure cause since the legacy version is longer but its like the older version as well, so there's a chance that its goin to spoil the remake cause there might some things that remained the same tho if you don't care all that much about spoilers then play Legacy then remake


around what part does the remake end i don't really want to play it while its new and be left on a cliffhanger


There's no definite answer for that because the Remake is currently focused on 8-Episode Prologues for a lot of the characters before jumping back into the Chapters again, including the MC (or Seb as how I normally refer to hin as, lol). 

The initial release (0.0.1) of it includes all of his story before going to Earth in Episode I, and a small demo of Episode 2. The next release (0.0.2) will have all of Episode 2 and Episode 3.


So , see if i get this right?  NO chapter 3 and it is all worthless now cause of it being made into a remake?  All the downloads and hours played for nothing now???

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You only played for hours? It took me years of development to get to this point, lol. It was a difficult choice to make, believe me. Whether you agree with it or not, I can't decide that for you. All I can do is continue with what I had in mind with the Remake, and delivering a lot more story and content that was missing before in the Legacy Version.

Also, it's Chapter IV that's on hold, not III. Regardless, I'm really sorry about it being on hold. As I said, a difficult choice.


Oh no, we decided to remake a game you played for free for a few hours and now your entire lineage has been offended.

Get over yourself.


Ok keyboard warrior


Yes, I am a keyboard warrior. I insult people like you on the internet daily for being idiots. Next?


Next? ok piss ant!  The pie rat....hahahahaha you are a joke, ya know that?   I asked ??? to 13th sin games and he answered them and  I didn't say anything  BUT YOU had to open your mouth and be a piss ant.  So now I'm gonna troll you , go ahead be a little snowflake bitch and report me IDC !!! 


We missed the part where that's our problem 


Was that for me? Lol.


No lol the person who unnecessarily complained


Ok keyboard warrior

Will the old version also get updated or will just the remake get zpdates from now

Just the Remake. The old version, which I might dub as Legacy, is pretty much done. The Remake will build its way back to where the old story ended, and continue on.

I was wondering if anyone would be willing to help me out. I got banned on discord a while ago cause my account got hacked and spammed a lot of stuff and was wondering if anyone knew of somehow for me to talk to somebody to get unbanned. It would be really appreciated

Hmm... best bet would be to wait and see if someone may be able to help........... lol, what was your username on Discord?


its a zero not a O

You should be cleared to return home now, lol.

i think you can make an appeal- to get unbanned 

 User Settings > Privacy & Safety > selecting the violation you want to appeal

What's the difference between 0.0.1 and 0.3.4?

0.3.4 is the old one 0.0.1 is the remake

What song did you used when the MC was singing in the Karoke night? Thanks!

Nevermind i found out by myself by progressing through the story lmao.

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Will there be a sequel or something because the ending is a bit not good in the cliffhanger way I'm just wondering


A sequel? We're just getting started on the new Prologues, lol.

I'm talking about the after the remake lol

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Gotta say, love the new looks and the new characters and the new version of the story so far

This whole game is just glazing.

im not a mother fucker im a daughter lover. This isn't about real life

why can't you just die getting suffocated by rosalyn's chestCry Cat GIFs | Tenor

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Phew... for a minute you had me worried there the first half, lol... no... there will not be NTR or MMF sharing. Only one person gets to build their harem... you... technically the MC, lmao.

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Because sharing and ntr are really not everybody's favorite. So in the middle of your message he thought you were suggesting that he added them

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first off this guy fell from "heaven" and in the span of a month had 24 girlfriends and got 5 of them pregnant I mean that's power a man could only dream of having, jokes aside it was pretty fun playing although at times it felt like everyone was just yapping away but I didn't really mind heck I even replayed from the start cuz I missed a few of Zoey and Sappy scenes and Sinvera's route cuz I'm rather obsessed with getting a perfect run. Story got a bit confusing at the end cuz more ppl were spawning out of nowhere and everything was just pure chaos; for a minute I got a bit confused but meh it was still enjoyable and the cliffhanger at the end of chap 3 was crazy. Seeing has how things ended I can tell you and your team have a lot planned so I hope you take your time and I'll make sure to be the 1st to download and play when new version drops :)

Take your time and it was a pleasure of part taking this amazing story and world you guys had made. Please take care

Ps the remake it's definitely on my radar 

Whens the next update?

is Story you kinda figure it out and walkthrough holds your hand?


a little confused, stated its not a pornagraphic game but comments say other wise? is it like out of touch? where porn isnt the main part but it has plenty of service and still has h scenes?

It definitely has it's fair share of adult scenes, but the story is focused on far heavier

When's the next update?


I honestly just want this game as a VN with no sex scenes, just the story. 

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